For the incoming Earth Flyby operations we are plannng to share screens.

Zoom meetings

2020/04/09 Real Earth FlyBy operations

JAXA Zoom meeting

A first zoom meeting will be organized by JAXA:

Meeting ID: 325 659 4488 Pass: mio

IRAP internal Zoom meeting

We will organize a second internal zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 433 601 645 Pass: 9TmY7J

Starting at 21:00 (booked art 19:00)

Caution Meeting ID will change every day (check your emails)

Shared screens

  • Jaxa MMO QL software (Quick look)

    We have installed a VMware Virtual Machine, that will be hosted in

    We will share this VM desktop with VNC, on port 5909 of

  • CL software

    We will share also another desktop to display reald time HK and science data, using cl software.

    This desktop will be available with VNC, on port 5903 of

Computer configuration

VNC Viewer Software

You have to download and install VNC Viewer software on your computer.

Software exists for Windows, MacOs, Linux…

ssh tunneling

Firewall account

In order to acces to VNC desktops from your home, you must use your ssh account on IRAP firewall :


Username is generally first letter of your firstname + last name

e.g: Patrick DUPOND ⇒

Creating ssh tunnels

Then, you must create some ssh tunnel to access VNC desktops located on IRAP’s network from your home.

Using a Terminal (MacOS or Linux computer)

Open a new Terminal window and enter the following commands

Acces to CL software desktop
$ ssh -L <username>

That will create an ssh tunnels between port 5903 of you computer (localhost) and port 5903 of, throught IRAP firewall

Access to JAXA QL MMO software
$ ssh -L <username>

That will create an ssh tunnels between port 5909 of you computer (localhost) and port 5909 of, throught IRAP firewall

Acces both to CL and QL MMO desktops
$ ssh -L -L <username>

That will create 2 ssh tunnels in a single command.

In each case, you will be asked to enter your passord, and if successful, you will be logged on

Caution Let the connection alive during all shared operations.

Using putty (Windows computer)

You can download and install putty from :

Then you must use it to create a new session :

Host name or IP address :
Port: 22
Saved session : give it a name

Then select sub-menu :Connection > SSH > Tunnels

Source port : 5903
Destination :

Then click [Add]

Source port : 5909
Destination :

Then click [Add]

Then return to sub_menu : Session

And click [Save]

Then you can click [Open] to open a new session

Enter here your username and password, and you will be logged in

Keep this session active.

VNC Viewer

Then, you must run VNC Viewer to share desktops :

Access to CL software desktop

You will be prompted for a password : penou99

Access to JAXA MMO QL desktop

You will be prompted for a password : bepi

Enter the corresponding address in navigation bar :
