LHEP Meeting - 2017/05/30

=== Housekeeping

Actually two L1 files, one for MEA1 and one for MEA2.

They include all available HK data (System + User + Software HK).

All possibles values are converted to physical values, with floating point format if necessary.

=== CDF format

We started to produce L1 CDF files for VM, PAP's, OMN, 3D datasets.

Data structure needed to handle CDF data with cl software are feeded :

* variables names, types and dimensions
* depend_i to describe array dimensions (anodes, sectors, energies)

Some metadata will need to be completed or improved (units, anode and sectors description) 

Epoch variable has been computed from TI0 counter, with an algorithm that can compute TI0 origin
using RealTime HSK data time tagging.

===  Handling of MPPE data by MDP

=== Current status of CDF format L1 and L2

Actually, we have generated L1 data for VM, PAP, OMN and 3D products.

We tried grouping products that have the same data structure in all modes (Low, Med, High),
but we are now thinking to generate separate files for each mode, as they can operate simultaneously,
and generate overhall (eg: VM in Low mode (16s) can overall VM in Med or High mode)

L2 data sould be generated from these L1 data files.

eg: MEA2 3D-High data sould be reconstitued by merging two L1 data products (data ID 0 : CH 0-7, data ID 1 : CH 8-15)

HSK data are in physical values (L1 or L2?)

Time-tagging of science data is not convenient: external file to convert TI counter to UTC/TT200

We are using an algorithm to reconstitute science time tags, but it's a temporaty one.

See link:page=datation[]

We found a regular time shift in various science data products :

See link:page=bug-datation[]

Data should be corrected on ground, but it could be interesting to investigate if there is a bugin onboard software.

=== How shall we proceed.