User account

User name: mmo-mea
Initial password: fYW7@Ber

Host name:
(Limited access from allowed clients)

To ensure account security, you need to change the initial password as soon as possible.
[xxxx@rfmmo:~]$ passwd


Below you can find the instructions on how to process your telemetry data.

Please note that /home on the reformatter is limited to a disk quota of 20GB.

We strongly recommend using your scratch space ( /nasA_mmo/xxx ) for the CCSDS/CDF data generation.

[Data acquisition from SIRIUS (MEA case)]
1. Copy a folder under /home/mmo-matsuda/sdtp_MEA to <your directory>.
2. Edit <your directory>/sdtp_MEA/bin/ as follows:
   (l. 58) export TLMPATH=<your directory>/sdtp_MEA/bin/SOCKFILE.X.FWDIST
   (l. 64) <your directory>/sdtp_MEA/bin/MMO_sample
3. Create a new directory (e.g. /nasA_mmo/mea/ccsds/2018)
4. Change the current directory to /nasA_mmo/mea/ccsds/2018
5. Run as follows:
   <your directory>/sdtp_MEA/bin/ 0x528 MEA1-DATA 20181124000000 20181124235959
      0x528: Your APID
      MEA1-DATA: Prefix
      20181124000000: Start time
      20181124235959: End time

TI to UTC conversion

  1. Copy a folder under /home/mmo-matsuda/ti2ut_test to <your directory>.

  2. Try <your directory>/test 007702D9 20181110235959 1 0

Note: 007702D9: System TI ( i.e. (MDP TI >> 4) = System TI ) 20181110235959: Estimated UTC 1: Retrieval range (-day) 0: Retrieval range (+day) → The program finds corresponding UTC in a range from 20181109235959 to 20181110235959

  1. Please find <your directory>/test.c

    There you can find how to work the program.
    If you integrate TI2UTC conversion to your program, please copy a folder under
    /home/mmo-matsuda/lib/libsctimecal-3.1.2 to <your directory>

If there are any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards, Shoya, Iku and Go

Userfull data

TC commands
